Saturday, June 6, 2009

AUD-USD retracing to 0.75 ?

AUD-USD is off it's recent high of AUD$0.8263 (3rd June), and looks to be retracing back down to the next support level at AUD$0.7740. If this support is breeched then the next support level is around AUD$0.7500.

Pressure for the retracement increased earlier in the week when :

  1. the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) left the cash rate on hold and strongly indicated that ecxonomy was sufficiently stimulated with the impacts of previous rate cuts now flowing through.
  2. An historic balance of trade deficiet caused by the high value of the AUD
  3. GDP was reported as a positive 0.4% growth - theoretically making Australia one of the only advanced economies in the world to not be in recession
  4. In addition to the economic indicators, the technical indicators are also showing a weakness with the oscillator declining, MACD crossing over and the ADX weakening.

So is the AUD in decline and is the next level of support AUD$0.7740 ?

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