Saturday, February 6, 2010

"... trading your shirt for your conviction ...

With the markets moving two and three standard deviations every other day, some times the damage to your account, your ego and your mental state takes it's toll and you want to give up.

Ask yourself, "... where is my conviction, has it deserted me in this time of need ...?.
"A man who can keep his childhood dreams in all their purity,
Preserve them in his naked and defenceless breast ,
Who, despite the laughter of this world, dares to live as he had dreamed in his childhood,
Down to his last days: yes that is a man, a man in all he is".
On July 21st 1944, Major General Henning Von Tresckow's wrote these words in a farewell letter to his wife, Erica, a few days before his execution as the leader of Operation Valkyrie , the plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler.

Now, reflect on this and again and ask yourself, how strong is your will, your conviction, your focus to seek out what you need to do to survive in these times?.

Try harder.


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